Challenge Statement: Challenge Statement
Project Fit Guide

Can Design Thinking solve your problem?

Take some time to write your challenge statement using these rules.

A Challenge Statement:

  • Starts with "How might we…"
  • Doesn't have an embedded solution
  • Is clear and concise
  • Is framed in a positive way
  • Is broken down to the actual problem as you see it

Now it's time to write your challenge statement!

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Here are some examples:

How Might We (HMW) Statement
What do we do about our kids’ education?
HMW invest in our kids’ education overseas?
We need more recruits for an area team.
HMW recruit an area team?
What do we do with short term workers?
HMW utilize short term workers?
We don’t know how to partner with local churches.
HMW partner well with local churches?
My team isn’t learning the language.
HMW create an effective language learning plan?
Our goal at Seeds is to provide you the resources you need to address your challenge. As you answered the questions, the Project Fit Guide was determining if your challenge fits well with the Design Thinking process. At this point, we do not believe Design Thinking is a good fit. As a result, we do not recommend you use the Project Facilitator’s Guide to solve this challenge.
But we do want to lead you in the right direction! We believe this challenge is predominantly a leadership issue—meaning it is not about the end-users, but seeking direction or decisions from leadership. This type of challenge often requires “leading up” or a crucial conversation. Here are some resources to help you move forward.

Leading Up: How to Lead Your Boss so You Both Win

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High

Our goal at Seeds is to provide you the resources you need to address your challenge. As you answered the questions, the Project Fit Guide was determining if your challenge fits well with the Design Thinking process. At this point, we do not believe Design Thinking is a good fit. As a result, we do not recommend you use the Project Facilitator’s Guide to solve this challenge. 
But we do want to lead you in the right direction! We believe this challenge is predominantly a Change Management issue—meaning it is helping a particular group/team adopt a new way, approach, process, or tool rather than creating something new to solve a challenge. This type of challenge often requires knowledge and expertise in the space of Change Management. Here are some resources to help you move forward.

ADKAR: A Model for Change in Business, Government, and Our Community

On Change Management

Is this a multi-faceted challenge?



Will additional info help you make an “A or B” decision or do you need a time of discovery?

A or B decision

Time of discovery

Design Thinking is meant to solve human-centered challenges. The process relies heavily upon empathy—the beliefs, decisions, values, wants and desires of our end-users. This time of discovery with them is a distinctive of the Design Thinking process. If you are attempting to decide between A or B, the Design Thinking process is not a good fit for your challenge.
But we do want to lead you in the right direction! You likely selected “A or B decision” because you simply need to choose between options already available. Design Thinking is not intended to help you pick the better of a few options but provides a time of discovery when no clear solution is available. 
Will solving this challenge bring value to you, your team and those you serve?
Low value, low urgency

High value, low urgency

High value, high urgency

Is investing 2-3 months to solve this challenge worth your time for the value it would bring?



Our goal at Seeds is to provide you the resources you need to address your challenge. As you answered the questions, the Project Fit Guide was determining if your challenge fits well with the Design Thinking process. At this point, we do not believe Design Thinking is a good fit. As a result, we do not recommend you use the Project Facilitator’s Guide to solve this challenge. 
But we do want to lead you in the right direction! In a world where time is limited, we desire to help you solve the challenges that will bring you the greatest amount of value for the time you invest. If you do not believe this particular challenge will yield substantial value, your time may be better spent elsewhere.
Do you already have a solution in mind?



Are you open to the possibility there is an alternative solution?



Our goal at Seeds is to provide you the resources you need to address your challenge. As you answered the questions, the Project Fit Guide was determining if your challenge fits well with the Design Thinking process. At this point, we do not believe Design Thinking is a good fit. As a result, we do not recommend you use the Project Facilitator’s Guide to solve this challenge. 
But we do want to lead you in the right direction! If you are confident in the solution you have in mind, here are a few tips to build out your solution. Build your prototype in iterations, testing it with your end user along the way. You don’t want to build your full solution only to learn it isn’t really meeting the needs of those for whom it is designed. Each iteration should build and improve on the previous prototype, adjusting based on feedback. 
Do you have the influence to meaningfully affect change?



Do you currently have the support of someone who does have the influence to meaningfully affect change?



Our goal at Seeds is to provide you the resources you need to address your challenge. As you answered the questions, the Project Fit Guide was determining if your challenge fits well with the Design Thinking process. At this point, we do not believe Design Thinking is a good fit. As a result, we do not recommend you use the Project Facilitator’s Guide to solve this challenge. 
But we do want to lead you in the right direction! While you may have a great challenge worth solving, without the ability to implement the change, your work could sit on the sidelines. At this point, we recommend seeking the support from a leader who has the influence to make a change. Ultimately, leadership sponsorship is how most changes truly take place. Here is a resource to help you move forward.

Leading Up: How to Lead Your Boss so You Both Win

Are you able to rally a group of 4-8 people?



Could you work with a leader to get a group of people together?



Our goal at Seeds is to provide you the resources you need to address your challenge. As you answered the questions, the Project Fit Guide was determining if your challenge fits well with the Design Thinking process. At this point, we do not believe Design Thinking is a good fit. As a result, we do not recommend you use the Project Facilitator’s Guide to solve this challenge. 
But we do want to lead you in the right direction! Now is the time to determine why you might not be able to gain a team of people. You may need to: (1) work with a leader to identify better timing, (2) connect and recruit a team of others interested in solving this challenge, (3) verify that your team/organization has the manpower necessary, or (4) evaluate if you’re the only one feeling this challenge.
Sometimes we simply need to have a conversation with a leader to help him/her see the challenge you see. Here is a resource to help you do that.

Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High

Our goal at Seeds is to provide you the resources you need to address your challenge. As you answered the questions, the Project Fit Guide was determining if your challenge fits well with the Design Thinking process. We believe you should get started with the Facilitator’s Guide as your challenge seems to fit well.
To get started, click the link below and enroll in the Facilitator’s Guide. This tool will walk you step-by-step through the full Design Thinking process, with tips from our team of expert facilitators along the way. It is designed to help you acquire the information you need to keep the project moving forward. And of course, if you ever have any questions, please reach out to us at
Our goal at Seeds is to provide you the resources you need to address your challenge. As you answered the questions, the Project Fit Guide was determining if your challenge fits well with the Design Thinking process. At this point, we do not believe Design Thinking is a good fit. As a result, we do not recommend you use the Project Facilitator’s Guide to solve this challenge. 
But we do want to lead you in the right direction! If you’re unable to invest the time required, Design Thinking would not likely yield the results you desire so we do not want to waste your limited time. There are many reasons for why you may not have the time—all of which are valid. If possible, attempt to give yourself more time to develop a solution in the future.
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